Speede Laundromat - 24-hour coinless laundromat - Durack - Kearneys Spring

5 Easy Ways to Stay on Top of Your Laundry

Our guide to the simple steps you can take to stay organised with your laundry (and to stop your washing basket from overflowing).

Let’s face it, doing laundry is a chore that not many people enjoy doing. That’s why we have put together this guide of 5 easy ways to stay on top of your laundry so you can free up your day.

1. Pick a day of the week to be your ‘laundry day’

Allocating a set laundry day routine is a great way to plan your week. This consistency will prevent your laundry basket from overflowing and set you up for an organised and productive week.

At Speede Laundromat, we are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so you can pick a time that works best for you! View our laundromat locations here.

2. Pre-sort your clothing into separate baskets or bags

Having your clothes pre-sorted into different bags or baskets will allow you to quickly toss them into the machine and begin your wash cycle.

Separate your darks from your lights and your delicates from your everyday wear. This will help protect your items from damage and discolouration.

Stores such as Kmart, Big W and Target have a range of affordable baskets, hampers and bags to help you keep your laundry organised.

3. Plan

Relatives are visiting and you need to change the sheets in the spare room bedroom? Kids had a few friends for a sleepover?

Planning for the key dates and items in your calendar will help prevent any stressful last-minute cleaning and drying!

4. Stock up on your washing detergent supply

Buying bulk supplies of washing tablets, detergents, fabric softeners, and stain removers is an effective way to cut costs and stay organised.

5. Pack away your unused seasonal wear

Need more wardrobe space? Vacuum sealing your large winter jackets, coats, and sweaters into reusable sealed bags is a handy way of freeing up some room and keeping your clothing clean until you need them again for the next winter.

Speed-e Laundromat is a 24-hour laundromat (laundrette), open every day including public holidays.  With daily cleaning and cashless payment for your convenience, Speed-e is a self-service laundromat enjoyed by all. Find a Speed-e Laundromat near you!

Visit us at Inala, Kearneys Spring (Toowoomba), or Newtown (Toowoomba)! Our Toowoomba locations are only a short drive from Westridge Shopping Centre.